Connect Group

Connect Group

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Trust to Him!

Hold on tight in Him!! That is my principle to this firstly march. Although firstly of this year I have faced unstable condition, including the live of my Family and my Connect Group. I was getting trouble from my Connect Group during the period of 2013, February. Any member and disciple were offing and avoid any trouble by it. My feeling was getting serious to end the 'stay put' hold on to this Connect Group, and I have faced any personal trouble by some member that they seriously didn't like me personally or my leadership.
       But, from this experience I learned many precious values, when I decide to extended this struggle to 'stay put' and fight for it, it's not about to showing off because I'm strong or I capable for it. BUT, it's about how I have been proceed by it, that's make me more mature and how God would strengthened me :)
       So that, I became more mature in Him and tough with the principle of God to hold on to Him. And I keep pray and hoping for the fire revivals of God may came down, until now.

       About my Family, God already spoken through the vision by dream from my mom, is all about my Father, surely my heart was burden about it. I was hoping and pray for the salvation of my Father. I hoped he change and aware by God's presents and His desire about what will he do. Although my Family were looked like ideal family from any person who looked about us, but is not like that. Every Family would face any trouble and had different solution or how it ends.

Trust to Him, never underestimate God, or you will proved by yourself by God's fury, don't you??

Monday, February 11, 2013

New Promotion = Get ready for Maturity and Multiplicatio

In the year of 2013, I felt like I was being promoted, and many problems that I would face... ><
Oo God, I don't know how to do, but I will always to surrender all to You... I want to be Your Favorite, like Esther, that Your Favor to on her...
How can I captivate Your heart, that I already been captivated by Your love in me...
Just one thing I desire, to know You more :')

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sometimes knowing fact is sadly bad... TT

The days of mine is walk passively not clear... I felt like something missing @@
Still struggling too... I felt like I am a passive person that doesn't want to know the condition surround me... The world that I see and I heard, all the news is getting so weird... ><
So what I suppose to do??
The distance relation of mine and God are getting fade. I must run and chase Him...
While everything looks pale, after I know a news about my family, I'm getting so sad to know that fact TT
About my family is at the end of a horn... Is like got to be end nearly... :'(
I realize, that I just stay nothing to do with my family for what happen already... I must do something!!
That I know God's grace is so great to me... :')
And I know God never leave me alone, although everything is getting dark and weird, but I still can feel Him...
So, I just pray to Him with all of my heart, soul and my mind.... Just surrender, and must got something to do... And I know God's plan will be wonderful in time... :)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Bigger Trustworthiness = Bigger Things and Responsible :D

I think it's an honorable things that you got trustworthiness from someone to a thing... Hari" ini aku lebi banyak di proses n di percaya lebih lagi, karena Tuhan pengin ngasi sesuatu hal yg jauh-jauh lebi besar dari sebelumnya... :)
Tetapi juga perlu tanggung jawab yg lebi besar, yg berarti melibatkan lebi tantangan, pembayaran harga yg lebi pula... But it's okay when I walk with Him and trustfull at Him, everything will be okay, coz God besides me, and who can stand against us??
Bicara soal kepercayaan bukan hal yg mudah di dapat, tp hal yg harus di tekuni n di uji dari kesetiaan kita, seperti sama hal nya kepercayaan yang Tuhan kasi dalam diri kita untuk nge-rawat 'tubuh yg sementara' ini... :D
Nites, and Gbu all ^^

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thank you for Today Lord... :)

Well, the days of mine over with too long holidays, that means: "Tired Days" of mine... @.@
But in this week, I learn so much thing, one of it is about 'To be Grateful'... :)
And start it with smile, and say words: 'Thank you for Today Lord...'
About My Parents that has a greatly Disciplined attitude... About My mom, she was a great mom.... I gratefully love My mom... :')
She was the best ever I ever have...

And Honestly I feel so tired about this day, and I just want to say 'Thank you for Today Lord...'
I tried to always give my best in every matter... :D

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Lord I'm Amazed by You...

This where my day to be started again :)
Well, tadi aku pengen ikut doa satelit... ><
Td dari sini aku juga di ingetin sama Tuhan kalo berhikmat, kalo aku maksa tuk pergi tadi, maka ortu ku pun yg bakal g ngijinin aku ikut apapun malah...

You remind me oo Lord, about what is Leader like
Di meja belajar tempat aku sedang belajar sekarang, aku menemukan 1 buku kecil lama yg tampak kusut, tak asing buat aku... Lalu aku buka halaman pertama, tampak tulisan "Jiwa2 Passion 21"
Waoow... Ini buku 'Ko Luis' pemimpin ku(fasilitator) saat pertama kali aku bergabung di remasa, walo sudah lama banget aku g berjumpa dengannya n gmn kabare...
Kalo ngliak waktu trasa begitu cepat berlalu, aku ngliak diriku sekarang yang merupakan pemimpin(fasilitator)..
Waoow... Lord I amazed by You...
Pergerakan Tuhan (God's Movement) trasa begitu cepat n bener" g krasa... Aku merupakan generasi penerus dari kepemimpinan 'Ko Luis' mungkin bukan aku yang menjabat nama remasa dulu itu(Truper 8 'HoPe - Holiness People' > yg dulunya Passion 21), walo remasa ku menjabat nama baru (Truper 51 'PoGlo - People of God Lovers'), tp aku bersyukur dan terpukau dengan pekerjaan tangan Tuhan...

Lord I amazed, thank you for supporting me and bring me to the new level... ^^

Thursday, February 23, 2012

God's Chaser

I knew a book titled 'God's Chaser', well actually I haven't read it all, but I mainly know about it... :)
Untuk sekitar 1 bulan setengah, doa satelit g b'jalan... karena ada suatu kejadian. Dulu aku pernah ngomong ke diri aku sendiri kalo aku g akan pernah mau untuk melewatkan momen buat 'Doa Satelit'
Doa Satelit: berdoa massal jemaat buat satelit(True Worshipper - Home) tercinta
Dulu berkisar tahun 2010, aku melewatkan 1 doa satelit yang ku hadiri setelah 'buyar' acaranya... TT
Nyesel banget, n aku g perna mau untuk kejadian itu terulang lagi untuk yang ke 2 kalinya...
Semenjak setelah masa itu, aku selalu menghadiri setiap momen 'Doa Satelit'
, dan setelah 1 bulan setengah, hati ku begitu haus n excited banget buat 'Doa Satelit'..
"Ini momen terindah yang kembali berjalan lagi" pikir ku dalam hati :D
Dan memasuki tahun 2012, hati ku haus, dan lumayan lama, aku g begitu sepenuhnya merasakan Hadirat Tuhan di jam-jam pribadi(SaTe) ku, walo lebi banyak jarang 'bolong'nya... ^^
SaTe: Saat Teduh, merupakan jam-jam pribadi membangun hubungan intim dengan Tuhan(penyembahan dan berdoa)
Excited banget n haus buat nyari hadiratNya
Bicara soal 'Mengejar Tuhan/Pengejar Tuhan' ato istilah inggrisnya 'God's Chaser' tentunya bicara soal mengejar HadiratNya... :)
Fill me oo God with Your Presence...
Holy Presence...