Connect Group

Connect Group

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Being proceed is not just talk about where you start to paying the price and pray, but it's include many things...

Thinking about this morning that I was walking through it, it's hurt, and how shattered my heart I looked around about my friend, when they are not real saved, they decided just to keep living with a half-seriousness with doubt the seriousness with God with their friends by themselves... :'(
Today too, I was being proceed by one of my trusted CG's son and as my best friend too in school, he is my classmate... When I looked up he has great potential when at CG, I want what I have as my vision and mission, that been imparted to him, so we has 1 same what to do as True Leaders, but what I hope that's is outside of my mind. He decide himself about what to do, and refuse to do what I already do, like pray in the morning for this our school, his reason was about that he doesn't yet have a heart who are burdened like I has...
Second problem is yesterday that I was debate with my mom, and accidentally I already hurt her heart about my words... ><
I was attacked by mistaken-feeling... And I don't know what to do...
These problems are roaring in my mind, I felt like I was feeling stress in the top...
And from these problems are shaping and processing me and I know God has a great plan, I know I'm just an ordinary man, but through You I can do anything... :')
And He is my strength when I collapse, and He is my shelter when I was in danger... 
My True God and beloved one... ^^

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